I've finally completed my dances MI AMOR and WHAT U WAITING FOR after a somewhat quiet period. Friends had been asking what had happened....well, nothing happened save that I was occupied with the kids' school and extra curricular activities. I still am.....
My eldest boy is gearing up for the bi-annual Boys Brigade festival and competition in Penang this June. His BB company will be participating and every weekend is taken up with band practices. The 2nd son is also in the same company and had just completed his part in the Juniors Drill competition last month. The youngest started pre-kindie this year and I'm the chauffeur :D Fortunately for me, my Mom & Dad help out whenever I'm unable to ferry him to and/or from kindie.
Is it just coincidental that I should happen to complete the dances in time to be released on MOTHERS DAY? It definitely wasn't pre-planned. Hmmm.....perhaps a higher force is involved... :D So....., I dedicate these dances to the mothers out there who work tirelessly and selflessly everyday to keep the family together, the household from turning into a dumpsite and the children on the straight and narrow and at the same time holding down many other different 'hats'.
Back to the dances...
MI AMOR is an Intermediate level line dance done to a SLOW, QUICK, QUICK rhythm. It's 48 counts, 4-walls with 2 TAGS and 2 RESTARTS. Before you go 'Oh No!.....' let me just quickly add that they're easy tags and restarts and can be clearly heard in the music. So I hope you'll give it a try.
WHAT U WAITING FOR is done with my Beginners and seasoned Beginners in mind. Therefore I've made the steps as simple as possible. Experienced intermediate dancers will also be able to enjoy the dance and have plenty of 'room' to add in their own style and flair. The song is 4 mins long so I decided to make it a 64 count dance in order that the routine wouldn't have to be repeated too many times. There is one RESTART.
The first time I heard the song played over the radio, I liked the beat. It was interesting enough to hold my attention for the entire song. What's more interesting is that the female vocalist, MizzNina, is a Malaysian. Yay!
I hope to get the videos recorded as soon as possible and have them uploaded to the regular channels, and the stepsheets posted as well. Meanwhile, you can view the scripts here, and hopefully give the dance(s) a try. Do email me if you should detect any error....thanks. :)
Email me if you need anything further pertaining to the dances. :D