As with all my choreographies, I do it because I like the music, and was moved by it. If someone somewhere picks it up and teaches it, that's a bonus and gives me a great big warm fuzzy feeling...lol! But I would be less than honest if I said I didn't harbour the hope that my dances would be well-received.
I felt that fuzzy feeling last month when Rosie Multari wrote me to say that she'd be teaching GAMES PEOPLE PLAY at WOW Line Dance Spectacular 2009. My reaction was exactly that...WOW! I hadn't expected the dance to go that far from home. I was happy enough knowing that it's being danced to good reviews in certain parts of Malaysia and Singapore, but to be taught in US?....Woohoo!
Then yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised again when Annemaree told me it would be taught at WINDY CITY LINE DANCE MANIA this weekend (Sat, Oct 10), by Judy McDonald. I asked her how she got the news and the answer was Amy Christian-Sohn, a mutual friend, who herself would be attending the event. Amy later wrote me to say she thought I knew. Nope, I didn't, and that makes the news all the sweeter :D (warm fuzzy feeling again, lol).
Rosie & Judy, if you're reading this, THANK YOU! And also to Annemaree & Amy for being the bearers of this good news. :D

Part of the schedule for WOW Line Dance Spectacular 2009

Part of the schedule for WINDY CITY LINE DANCE MANIA 2009