Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sunday, December 27, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Merry Christmas from us! :D

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Amazing Grace - truly lovely!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Mass Line Dance - Orchard Rd
If you happen to be in Singapore during that time, and you're a line dancer (or even if you're not but just wanna see what we crazy line dancers do), pop over to Orchard Road on the 25th.

Venue: Orchard Road
Fee: FOC
Theme: "Christmas"

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Dancing In The Street
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
XIANG SI HE PAN line dance
Friday, October 9, 2009
Games People Play - UPDATE

Monday, October 5, 2009
LUAU Line Dance Party

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
His walk-through section has been superbly done. It's clear and well edited to show the different sections of the dance. Thank you Mr K! This video will be an invaluable asset to those wishing to learn the dance.
Playa Blanca - Video
The video is available on Youtube.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
PLAYA BLANCA (Beginner Dance)
Games People Play 2 (Beginner/Improver)
The first official teach of this dance was last weekend in Tawau, Sabah. I hope you'll give it a try.
Line Dancing in TAWAU
I spent a lovely weekend (August 8 - 10, 2009) in Tawau with the V Young Group line dancers, headed by their teacher Teresa.
Nicole, a friend of my husband's, who learns under Teresa, asked if I was free to make a trip there to share my dances with their group. It so happened that my husband was flying over for business and thus I also made arrangements to follow him. To coincide with our trip, the V Young group organised a line dance party on Saturday night, which was attended by 130 guests, including journalists from two local newspapers.
Special draw prizes were sponsored by PM Malaysia which distributes the FITLINE products from Germany.

After dinner, the V Young group and I started the ball rolling with our joint performance. I had edited 3 songs into one continuous track: the first saw me dancing THE TIME OF MY LIFE,

after which the V Young group came onto the floor to perform BLUE TRAIN,
and I finished off with my dance GAMES PEOPLE PLAY.
Several more groups came out to perform their prepared numbers before general dancing started and everyone hurried onto the floor to strut their stuff :-)
I had fun too as I knew some of the dances on the play list, and what I didn't know I tried picking it up as it was being danced....lol.
Later on in the evening, I taught my newest (as yet unreleased) dance, PLAYA BLANCA, to the line dancers. This dance was specially written for them and I'm absolutely glad they liked it.

The next evening, the group got together again and they requested for a review of PLAYA BLANCA, and also for me to share 2 more dances with them: GAMES PEOPLE PLAY 2 (a beginner/improver version to my Intermediate dance GAMES PEOPLE PLAY; stepsheet yet to be released) which they picked up immediately, and MY LOVE IS TRUE which was fine for the 1st wall but got a little chaotic for the other walls....lol. I am confident they'll master it soon enough, as I did go through it a little quicker than I normally would, due to time constraint.
Later in the evening, I was requested to showcase BORN TO ROCK and also THE TIME OF MY LIFE again. I also did a quick demo of ROOMBA (by Guyton Mundy) and BOOM BOOM (by Jose Miguel). All in all, we had a blast. I especially enjoyed making new friends and also getting to know people whom I had only communicated with online prior to this trip (eg. Suzie & Lilen)
I have been asked to return soon....lol. We'll see.....I'll have to work around my classes and my family commitment, but as the popular phrase goes....."I'LL BE BACK!”
CONGRATULATIONS! to the V Young Group for a successful party and a big THANK YOU for your invitation, your hospitality and your friendship.
Monday, July 20, 2009
It's A LUAU!
Come in your best beach or island wear. Think sandy beaches, swaying palm trees, pareos and exotic flowers in your hair (to the men: you can wear flowers in your hair too if you're game LOL).
Start planning your outfit now :-D
(click on image to enlarge)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Ding Ding Pak Ding Ding
He has a particular fondness for the Standard Six performance in which his Tai Kor (Brandon)was involved last year. It's basically a Malay number/dance but it's done with everyone seated and only hands are moved to the beat of the music.
My maid had tied a green ribbon around his forehead to add authenticity....lol
Here he is in action ;-D.....
It put a smile on my face. Hope it did the same for you too! (^<>^)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
October Party
Saturday, June 27, 2009
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (Intermediate Cha-Cha)
The stepsheet and videos are posted here for your viewing pleasure. Two pieces of music are used: one Chinese and one in English. I find both songs equally nice and I couldn't decide which one to go with. Therefore I went with both, leaving the final decision to the individual.
Danced to Sum Lei Yau Hei (chinese song)
Hope you'll give the dance a try. If you need any help concerning the dance, just drop me an email :-)
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Day The Music Died
Michael Jackson (1958-2009)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New Release Soon
Friday, May 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Maggie G In Tokyo, Japan - 29 May 2009
Heads up everyone! Hiro Suzuki (Japan) is hosting his annual Tokyo Crazy Country Dance Festival and this year he has invited MAGGIE GALLAGHER to be the guest instructor. Visit the link at http://www.country-dance.com/English/e-cft/e-11TCCDF/e-11TCCDF-Home.html for more info.
If you're just a hop-skip-jump away from Tokyo, I suggest you hop-skip-jump over there in May to be a part of this annual event which is always fun. I know, because I was there last year =D
And for Malaysians, Hiro is hoping some of you will attend his event. So if you're planning a trip to Japan this year, why not make it in May.
Hiro can be contacted at hiro@suzuki.or.jp or +81-3-3754-9173 (tel).
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Dazzling Latino LD Party - 18 Apr 09
Several months ago, I was asked to teach a beginners class and these ladies took to linedance like duck to water. They were eager and enthusiastic and even got together for practice each week to run through what they'd learnt.
Because of their enthusiasm, I thought it a good idea to take them out to experience a line dance party. And the recent one, DAZZLING LATINO, by the FunStompers was the party we decided to attended. Each week before the party date we'd learn one new dance on the party dance list and the ladies gamely absorbed what was taught.
Chris, Gillian and Jean in action on the dance floor
Outside the hall, a supplier was selling dance sneakers and latin dance shoes at reduced prices. Another table sold t-shirts, the proceeds of which would go towards helping a young lady, Yvonne Foong, go one step closer towards her surgery to remove a 5cm tumour in her brain. For more on her and how you can help, visit http://www.yvonnefoong.com/.
There's even a post by her about the party! =D Check out this link: http://www.yvonnefoong.com/2009/04/20/line-dancers-help-raise-funds-for-brain-surgery/
Although I don't do it enough (going to LD parties), but when I do I always enjoy meeting up with friends again. It's also especially great when these friends aren't just from PJ and KL but from out of town. Judy Teh (Johor) was present and it was a pleasure to meet her again since Jubilation 2008.
With my two good buddies Sze (left) and Bronya (right), both of whom I don't meet enough because of our busy schedules.
Most of the dancers were dressed to the nines, and to theme which was DAZZLING LATINO. The ladies looked oh, so pretty, and the men smart and handsome.
I will surely look forward to the FunStompers' next event in August this year. If you do not know what event I'm referring to, check out this earlier post of mine: http://linedanz.blogspot.com/2009/03/cato-larsen-in-town-15-august-2009.html.
The emcee, Margaret Lee. No, she's not about to break into a chinese song and dance...lol. Margaret is informing the crowd of FS' August event, and the theme: MAD HATTERS. Hence, the funny hats you see here and below on the 2 pretty ladies.
The event is going to be BIG! So if you haven't booked your place yet, call the organisers and do so. A FunStompers' event is always a sell-out and this is one not to be missed. See you there!
My Love Is True - Teach Video
Also please excuse my 'metallic'-sounding voice. The conversion from original recording to the video-edit below by Windows Movie Maker had somehow 'altered' it.
The first video is quite lengthy (close to 5 minutes) and is broken down into several sections, showing the various parts of the dance being taught.
The other video shows a walk-through and is approximately 1.5 minutes in length.
My Love Is True (teach)
My Love Is True (walk-through)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
BLUE TRAIN - Linedancer Magazine May 2009 Issue
Just saw that my Beginner dance BLUE TRAIN has been included in the May 2009 issue of LDM under 'This Month's Dances' section.
Here's a screen image of Linedancer Magazine's webpage for it's May issue (click on image for larger view):
And here's the stepsheet as it appears in the magazine:
Note of thanks to LDM for their kind permission to reproduce the stepsheet in this blog.Saturday, March 28, 2009
Family Earth Hour
Our family just emerged from an hour of darkness (save for the street light and our 4 glasses of gel candles) in support of Earth Hour 2009.
Both our neighbours on either side of us also supported the movement but sad to say not the rest of the street.My 3 boys were pretty excited about the event, the youngest (just 2 years old) of course didn't understand what was going on and was particularly fascinated by the gel lights. Justin (9) and Brandon (13) played games like shadow figures and riding on 'horsie' with their baby brother.
Ethan...totally captivated by my home-made gel light
My Dad took the time to meditate while Mom relaxed and just enjoyed the cool night. Hubby and I also relaxed and sat back to enjoy the hour (but all the while keeping a watchful eye over the children). We were lucky to be blessed with a cool night as it had rained heavily during the evening.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Earth Hour Malaysia
How? Check it out at www.earthhour.org.my and register your vote as well.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Warren Buffet's Advice for 2009
I received an email with the above title, recently, from an online friend and felt I should share it here with you. Wise words indeed from the second richest man on earth (after Bill Gates apparently), who has to date donated USD31 billion (85% of his fortune) to charity.
As the whole world, and we Malaysians, brace for an economic downturn in 2009 and perhaps further beyond this year, it would serve us well to heed and practise the advice given by Warren Buffett.Blog Archive
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December 2009
- Dancing In The Street (Orchard Road, 25 Dec 2009)
- Wildcats Go! (Orchard Road Dec 2009)
- Photo Collage - S'pore Trip (Dec 09)
- Merry Christmas from us! :D
- Amazing Grace - truly lovely!
- Christmas Mass Line Dance - Orchard Rd
- Dancing In The Street
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