I created this dance back in March this year just so that I'd have something of my own to teach (in addition to other choreographers' dances) at Hiro's workshop. He said he would like something fun so I searched through my music library and chanced upon the song by Elvis. The moment I heard it, I liked it and could feel the steps coming almost immediately.
That was 7 months ago and while I had hoped that it would catch on among the Japanese, I hadn't expected it to go places. But since then, this is what's been happening to the dance (these I know of because of emails, feedback and via Youtube). There could possibly be others of which I am unaware :-)
[Note: I am fully aware that compared to other well-known & established line dance choreographers' works this is peanuts; a mere drop in an ocean. But I'm just so thrilled that something is happening...I just had to share it.]
- It has been selected as a competition dance (under the Novelty category) for an annual line dance competition in Sweden! I do not know how the organisers came to know of the dance [I certainly didn't tell them about it but I'm not complaining, no sirree ;-D] . My line dance friend from Sweden tells me that this is a popular event and is always sold out. It's in late November. I'm not sure if they'll post any videos of the competition dances on Youtube but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Through emails, I know that certain groups are dancing it, (or will be dancing it in the near future) locally, in Australia, the US, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
- Write-up in the Oct 17, 2008 issue of World Line Dance Newsletter by Mike Taylor (Thank You! Mike):
Subject: BORN TO ROCK (n' ROLL)
Mike Taylor
Hi everyone,
You have seen and heard it many many times.... 'the script is a lot more complicated than the dance'.. and some you find its actually the reverse. Welllllllllllllll.... nowt different here. The dance script for BORN TO ROCK not only looks complicated... it IS complicated - that is until you listen to the music and read the script at the same time.. then it
DOES get a whole lot easier. It also helps (as in this case) when there are excellent demo video's to be had.
The music, by Elvis is not one of the ones you would expect and is from the 1964 Viva Las Vegas EP (blimey... do you remember them!!) but still easily obtained from iTunes and the like
See for yourself.. is IS a fun dance ..and in my opinion (for what its worth) is extremely well crafted and a credit to the Choreographer (Leong Mei Ling). The Rainbow Dancers on the second clip are totally brill.
Demo: http:://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=3AsVZkqgVuA
Partyparty: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=etHIuJeJ848&feature=related
Time to Roll your Rocks off......
- The Youtube video has been embedded in/linked to some linedance related blogs and websites in Japan, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, the UK and Italy.
I submitted the stepsheet to Kickit and Yipee but it's found it's way to the Linedancer Magazine, UK. I'm guessing I should thank Mike again ;-)
- The stepsheet has been translated into Dutch! I've downloaded a copy and am saving it to show my future grandchildren LOL!
Used as a performance piece. One by KK Linedance group and the other by The Rainbow Dancers. Recently I got an email from an instructor in the US saying that she will be teaching it to her group of senior ladies for a performance next year...and she has promised me a video of it ;-)
Invited for a local workshop next year (2009). I will know more nearer the date but if all goes well I will be teaching 2 dances at the workshop: AUTUMN TEARS & BORN TO ROCK (blush blush).
Thanks everyone for the generous comments you sent via email and on the Youtube. And thanks for dancing my 'baby'!