Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Sailor Step involves three foot movements. It is usually done as a Triple Step, i.e., 3 steps in 2 beats. The count would usually be 1&2 or 2&3 and so on. Sometimes, it can also be done slow, each step taking one beat each.
The most important part in executing the Sailor Step, I believe, is in the second step, on the & count. For example, if we begin the Sailor Step with the Left foot (which will step behind the Right), the next step should be to move the Right foot to the Right side in order to make a Ball Change from that position. Most times, the dancer does not take the Right foot to the Right side but replaces it in the same position after the Left has crossed behind, making it look like a Back Cross Rock.
Explaining it in words would further confuse the matter. Since 'A picture paints a thousand words', I have put in two short clips which I hope, would clear up what I'm trying to put forward here.
The first clip shows a Ball-change which is required in executing the Sailor Step.
And the second, the Sailor Step itself.
I hope you find the clips helpful.
Let's do the Sailor Shuffle!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Cool Find On The Net
Most line dance instructors who have either taught, are currently teaching or are going to teach the dance NOT LIKE THAT by Robbie McGowan Hickie, may find this link informative. At least, it was to me, anyway. It's a site featuring short instructional videos on various belly dance moves and techniques.
Of course, if you're already an expert in belly dancing than perhaps you will find this site elementary. However, to people like me, uninitiated in the finer skills of the art, it's almost a gift. Having no time to pursue this form of dance or whatever other forms of dance that appeal to me (not while my children still require my attention), coming across such sites with instructional videos is a windfall.
Good things ought to be shared, and so I share the link here with you and hope those who view it enjoy it as much as I did.
Hey! I think I can do the Belly Dance Hip-Drop already! (^<>^)b
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, Monday, Happy Days.....
Line Dance parties abound these days unlike five years ago when I first started line dancing. Then, parties were few and far between. But within this short span of time, it has really gained momentum. Almost every weekend you'd hear of some line dance party being organised. Sometimes, you'd get more than one in a particularly good weekend.
The party's theme was 50s, 60s and 70s....and everyone came dressed in some form of fashion from that era. We had puffy sock-hop skirts, capri pants, and ribbon-tied hair representing the 50s; mini-skirts reflecting the 60s; and bell-bottom pants, head-scarves, and psychedelic prints for the 70s.
The dance floor was never, ever short of dancers. In fact, it was always packed to the hilt. More so when a popular line dance was played. If you've ever wondered whether line dancing is good for your health, you'll wonder no more when you see the ladies dancing non-stop to every song (the party was for 6 hours!) and to top that, REMEMBERING every choreography to every dance! Yup, it's confirmed. Line dancing is not just good for your health, it's a great way to keep our brain cells active and Alzheimer's away.
Keep On Dancing!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Deepavali Fun!
During the class, I taught 2 Indian-influenced line dances: MADE IN INDIA & DHOOM (WITH A BHANGRA GROOVE). The former is choreographed by Elke Weinberger and the latter by Kumari Tugnait (UK-Sept 07). Oh....and a 'bindi' was given to everyone to create the atmosphere.
To ensure maximum fun for everyone attending the class, I modified the steps for MADE IN INDIA to simpler ones and made it one wall as well. Indian-dance-inspired hand styling was added for an enhanced effect.
But it was in the second dance that I truly enjoyed myself. I hope it was the same for the members who participated. With hand styling for almost every move in the dance, and the steps matching the music perfectly, I almost felt I was in the dance segment of a Hindi movie ;-)
Keep On Dancing!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Festival of Lights

And to everyone else: Happy Holiday!
Saturday, November 3, 2007
True Fitness Charity Drive
Over the past 2 months, members of all 3 True Fitness centres in the Klang Valley contributed in kind to children's homes selected by the fitness centre. True Fitness at Jaya33 chose The Agathian Shelter at Section 8, PJ, as the beneficiary of their members' outpouring of generosity.
The Agathians Shelter is a home for boys (currently 30 of them) who are orphaned, from a broken home, abandoned or children of single mothers unable to care for them. The youngest I saw there is just 3 years old.
As with all homes, they survive on the charity of the public. The home is run by a council called Pertubuhan Kebajikan Agathians, Malaysia and the home is located at No. 17, Jalan Tengas 8/8, Section 8. If you wish to contribute, you can contact Mr Sivabalan at 012-296 8014 or 03-7954 1680. They can also be reached by email: Or browse their website: for more information.
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love. " ~Mother Teresa
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Nutritional Nuggets
"Every human being is the author of his own health or disease"
-- The Buddha
In view of this, I will, from time to time, post articles pertaining to health and wellbeing as I come across them. These will be filed under the title NUTRITIONAL NUGGETS. I hope you'll find them informative and perhaps, even beneficial. :-)
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Yuki Emerges Champion Yet Again!

Monday, October 29, 2007
New Dances - 25/10/07
- GET ON THE BUS (by Guyton Mundy)
- BACK IN TOWN (by Judy McDonald)
The stepsheet to these dances can be found from the yipee and stepsheetinmotion Dance Links on the right column.
A little bit about the dances: Dance No. 1 was choreographed in September this year and Guyton's choreography has always been cool and fun to dance. Dance No. 2 is currently being used as a competition dance by the UCWDC for the NEWCOMER category.
This blog was started with the purpose to provide line dancing information to my line dancing friends, students and members.
I'm still new to blogging so it may take a while before this site becomes really useful. If you have any constructive suggestions, please do let me know.
Meanwhile, I'll be posting the names and videos(if available) of the dances I teach at the Thursday evening class (True Fitness, Jaya 33). This is not the only line dance class I conduct but it's the only one where I do not have a set syllabus. The reason for this is so that I can pick the new dances as they come 'hot off the oven'!
Until my next post, HAPPY DANCIN'!
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